Cope With Your Hemorrhoids With These Tips

There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal which are inside the rectum, and external which are around and under the skin around the anus. External hemorrhoids are usually more painful. Both conditions can be prevented and treated efficiently. The information below will help you get your hemorrhoids under control and let you live our life.

Better personal hygiene can help prevent the formation of external hemorrhoids. Use soft toilet paper that does not leave paper or residue behind, and use moist wipes after every bowel movement.

Witch hazel is a time tested and effective home remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Witch hazel relieves pain because it shrinks hemorrhoid tissue. Using a cotton ball that has been soaked in witch hazel, apply to the area for up to 10 minutes. Alternatively, add the witch hazel into a warm bath.

Use ice and heat to easily deal with hemorrhoids at home. Switching between the heat and the ice will help shrink your hemorrhoid and help heal it. A 10 minute application of ice can be followed by 20 minutes with a moist heat application for maximum results.

People who strain excessively while trying to have a bowel movement are more likely to develop hemorrhoids. Stools pass much easier if you limit your refined foods and drink plenty of water. When you’re having a bowel movement, squatting, instead of sitting, can help you pass it more easily. Keep a small stool in the bathroom, and rest your feet on it as you use the toilet. In places where people squat instead of sitting down for bowel movements, hemorrhoids are uncommon.

You may find that certain time-honored approaches to treating this problem are indeed effective in treating hemorrhoids. Allowing yourself to soak in a sitz bath offers some relief. Limit your time in the tub to about 15 minutes, and repeat after each bowel movement. Even though hemorrhoids can be really itchy at times, you should not scratch them, this could aggravate the problem. Instead, use witch hazel to dampen some pads and apply them on the hemorrhoids to get relief. Try to eat a good amount of fiber, and drink plenty of water every day. By doing this, you will not have to push too hard when having a bowel movement.

Often times sitting on a portable cushion can help with the pain that is associated with hemorrhoids. You might feel uncomfortable when using it at your workplace, but when you’re at home or even when driving in your car it could greatly relive a lot of pain that could eventually make your life easier.

The very private nature of hemorrhoids’ affected areas makes it very difficult for many adults to openly seek advice from their friends or families. Fortunately, the information that you have just read is sure to answer at least a few of your questions about the symptoms and treatments that are associated with hemorrhoids.

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