Stop Killing Yourself With Cigarettes – Quit Smoking With This Handy Advice

A lot of people have good intentions when it comes to stopping smoking, but few follow through with them. The tips provided below will help you accomplish your dream. Read them carefully. Then use all things you learned here in order to quit smoking and eliminate it from your lifestyle.

Find a way to quit smoking that works for you, but try to do it little by little. Don’t try going cold turkey. Unfortunately, there is a 95% failure rate among those who attempt to quit without any help. Fight nicotine cravings with products like patches or pills. This will increase your likelihood of quitting for good.

It is important to approach your journey by focusing on a single day at a time. Breaking the habit is a process; it doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t waste your time thinking about next year, next month or even next week. Today is all you should be worrying about, so make sure you’re not smoking right now and your todays will start adding up to forever.

Talk to your loved ones, in order to garner their support in quitting smoking. Make them aware that their support is key, but that they should not be judgmental. Remind them that you may have times of frustration and irritability and ask them to bear with you. You’ll need the support of others during this process.

As you work on quitting smoking, remember to give yourself a reward every time you hit an important milestone. For instance, once you accomplish your first smoke-free week, take yourself out to a movie. Once you’ve passed that month long milestone, enjoy a fancy night out at your favorite restaurant. Going forward, increase the significance of the rewards until you are completely smoke-free, and don’t even think about it anymore.

While a lot of people have the desire to quit smoking, many of them are unable to do so successfully. Those that are really serious about quitting usually have a detailed plan, and some motivation to make it easier to stay on track. Apply the advice above to help you create a plan, and you will soon see how successful you can be.

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